Trust Quiz Get your Trust Quiz results and regular tips and tools to build healthy, high trust relationships. First Name: Last Name: Email Address: On a scale of 1 to 5, indicate how often you practice the following behaviors: 01 I keep my promises. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 02 I tell the truth, even when it's difficult. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 03 I acknowledge other people's strengths and capabilities. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 04 I act with other people's best interests in mind. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 05 I openly admit my mistakes. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 06 I voluntarily seek other people's input. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 07 I'm consistent in my behavior. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 08 I avoid gossip by speaking directly to people when I have issues and concerns. Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always 09 I allow other people to make decisions Almost Never Occasionally Half of the time Frequently Almost Always Submit